This method is a variation of the discounted cash flow method that assumes some minimum desired rate of return. 此方法是贴现现金流方法(该方法假定了一个最小期望回报率)的一个变体。
Today, they know how to build leveraged buyouts, run a discounted cash flow and explain complex derivatives. 如今,他们知道如何策划杠杆收购、计算出贴现现金流,还能解释复杂衍生品。
The Application of Discounted Cash Flow Valuation in Corporation Acquisition 现金流贴现估值方法在企业并购中的应用
Internal rate of return of discounted cash flow 折现现金流内部收益率
Yes, it's a terrible investment: if you get out your calculator and run one of those discounted cash flow calculations that MBAs favour, you'll find it hard to come up with a positive number. 是的,这是一项十分糟糕的投资:如果你拿出计算器,运行任何一个受MBA们推崇的贴现现金流计算公式,你就会发现很难得出一个正值。
This paper analyzes enterprise value assessment methods such as assessing the cost, the relative value, the discounted cash flow and the economic value added. 介绍了企业价值评估风险的内涵,分析了影响企业价值评估风险的因素,探讨了风险的防范对策。
Discounted Cash Flow ( DCF) will always tell you what a company is worth. 贴现现金流(DCF)就是公司的价值所在。
Developed valuation models using discounted cash flow and multiples. 通过使用折现现金流法和收入乘数法开发评估模型。
We rarely use discounted cash flow to calculate target prices. 我们极少用DCF来计算目标价格。
The conservative benefit and cost estimating technique is recommended for all discounted cash flow applications including comparative life-cost studies. 这种保守的好处和成本估算技术被为全部打折扣的现金收支建议包括比较生活费用的应用研究。
The additional value can be computed by real option theory methods, calculated by improved discounted cash flow method and allocated by specialist marking methods. 并购附加价值分别由实物期权理论方法、由改进的折现现金流法和专家打分法计算和分配。
And the dynamic economic indexes include the net present value and discounted cash flow. 动态评价指标包括净现值和折现现金流。
The traditional methods of enterprise valuation are cost method, market method and discounted cash flow method. These methods are useful when valuating the ordinary enterprise. 传统的企业价值评估方法主要有成本法、市场比较法和折现现金流量法,这些方法在评估一般企业时都具有一定的适用性和科学性。
Studies on Applications of Economic Profit and Discounted Cash Flow in Business Valuation 经济利润及折现现金流在企业价值评估中的应用研究
But when evaluating high-tech businesses the traditional discounted cash flow techniques ( DCF) meet some inevitable problems. 而传统的折现现金流量法在对高科技企业进行评估时却遇到了它无法解决的问题。
Weston model is very popular among the discounted cash flow models for mergers and acquisitions ( MA) valuation. 威斯通模型是企业并购估值贴现现金流模型中具有代表性的研究。
Discounted Cash Flow is the most widely used method in mining right evaluation. 贴现现金流量法是矿业权价值评估中应用最为广泛的方法,贴现率是贴现现金流量法的关键参数。
The traditionally used discounted cash flow ( DCF) method is localized by its own limitations. 传统的以现金流量贴现法为基础的投资决策方法因自身存在的缺陷以及适用范围的狭隘决定了其内在的局限性。
Research on Business Value Appraisal Method& Discounted Cash Flow Method 企业价值评估方法研究&现金流量贴现法
There are a lot of methods to evaluate enterprise's value at present, such as assets value method, discounted cash flow method, and so on. 目前对企业价值进行评估的方法,主要有资产价值基础法、现金流量折现法、相对比较乘数法等。
The main value of the assessment methods are: the ratio of valuation method, discounted cash flow, options pricing and market value sdded method and enterprise value and the mainly related to the theory, efficient market theory, MM theory and asset pricing theory. 现行主要的价值评估方法有:比值价值评估法,现金流折现法,期权定价法和市场增加值法,与企业价值相关的理论主要有,有效市场理论,MM理论和资产定价理论。
Chapter 2 briefly reviews the history of development of investment theory, pointing out the limitations of traditional methods of investment decision-making based on Discounted Cash Flow method, and provided a thorough review of the development of real option theory and game options research. 第二章简要回顾了投资理论的发展历史,指出了基于折现现金流方法的传统投资决策方法存在的局限性,全面回顾了实物期权理论的发展和期权博弈的研究现状。
John Burr Williams and J.E.Walter contributed to this, combined with their point of view, Buffett improved the discounted cash flow model. 威廉姆斯(JohnBurrWilliams)和沃尔特(J.E.Walter)对此作出了贡献,结合他们的观点,巴菲特对现金流量贴现模型进行了改进。
And the improvement of the discounted cash flow model expanded the applicable scope, and is also tested by the empirical research. 之后通过对现金流贴现模型做修正和补充,扩大了其适用范围,并进行了实证分析检验。
At the option valuation method and discounted cash flow method on the basis of comparison, extraction methods and real options in corporate mergers and acquisitions in the application of value assessment framework, and accordingly high-tech mergers and acquisitions of start-up cases for analysis. 在期权估价法和现金流折现法的比较基础上,引出实物期权方法及其在企业并购中价值评估的应用框架,并据此对初创高科技企业并购案例进行分析。
After comparative analysis, the discounted cash flow method is chosen to be the tool for determining enterprise value. 在经过比较分析后,本研究选择现金流量折现模型作为企业价值确定的工具。
Later on in this paper, the innovation of discounted cash flow model is discussed. 之后对本文应用现金流量折现模型时的创新点进行了说明。
This section first by holding cost theory and price theory analysis of equilibrium futures pricing issue, followed by the discounted cash flow model, zero-growth model, the same growth model to analyze the stock price determination theory. 本部分首先通过持有成本理论和均衡价格理论分析了期货定价的问题,之后用现金流贴现模型、零增长模型、不变增长模型分析了股票价格的决定理论。
This paper uses the discounted cash flow model to analyze and value that company A mergers company ABC. 并运用折现现金流模型,对A公司并购ABC饮品公司的案例,进行并购可行性分析及企业价值评估。